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Schaap collection

On this page I bring the collection of Mr. Eliezer (Ee) Schaap of recordings from his family, mainly from The Hague: Some recordings are from M. Mossel, who was chazzan in The Hague.

Izak Vleeschhouwer: He lived in Rotterdam where his father was chazzan. His grandfather, J.I. Vleeschhouwer, was chief chazzan in Groningen.
Gretta Vleeschhouwer-Schaap, aunt of Eliezer, was married to Izak Vleeschhouwer.
Maurits Salomon (Mau) Schaap, father of Eliezer.
Meijer Schaap: eldest brother of Mau Schaap was born in Sneek (north of Hoilland) where his father was Chazzan.




שיר המעלות
Three weeks
Shabbat Hazon
Rosh Hashana
Simchat Tora
Matanat Yad (8th day Pesach and Sukkot, 2nd day Shavuot)
Yom Haatzmaut
Mau Schaap:
אב הרחמים Mau Schaap - Shabbat preceding Shavuot en 9 Av.
מעריב לליל ראשון של פסח Mau Schaap
ק'ל אדון Gretha Vleeschhouwer-Schaap & Izak Vleeschhouwer
הללוק'ה Gretha Vleeschhouwer-Schaap
מה ידידות Izak Vleeschhouwer, own composition
ברוך אלקינו
שיבנה בית המקדש
וקרב פזורינו
Izak Vleeschhouwer with chazzan from Antwerp
תקיעת שופר and "Tetschen" Mau Schaap & Meijer Schaap,1965 ("Tetschen" is the Dutch expression for blowing the Shofar)
Hupa in the mid 1960’s of Yitschak Katz and Malka Stemmer in the shul in The Hague (Wagenstraat)
ברוך הבא Mossel
שבע ברכות, ברכה א Mossel
שבע ברכות, ברכה ב Chief rabbi of Amsterdam, Aron Schuster
שבע ברכות, ברכה ג Haham Salomon Pereira
שבע ברכות, ברכה ד-ה sung by English rabbanim
שבע ברכות, ברכה ו Mossel
שבע ברכות, ברכה ז Mossel
שיר המעלות Mossel



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