Vorst I
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I. Vorst

Rabbi Izaac (Ies) Vorst (1938-2023) was the first Rabbi to establish himself in the new kehila of Amstelveen to the south of Amsterdam, in 1964. Following  on from the establishing of a new synagogue Rabbi Vorst  fulfilled all the official functions himself, being a chazzan, a baal kore and of course, the Rabbi. As the kehila grew, other chazzanim joined him and gradually took over the function of chazzan. However,  Rabbi Vorst remained to be one of the main ba'ale Kerp'a in Amstelveen even after his retirement he kept going till his very last days.

During the second world war Rabbi Vorst was detained in Nazi camps where he caught an ear infection. Due to the resulting hearing damage Rabbi Vorst had difficulty reaching low tones during his chazzanut performances.

The recordings covers parts of Maariv, Shacharit and Musaf for the first day of Rosh Hashana.
Page numbers refer to the NIK-Machzor עתירת יצחק by dr. I. Dasberg, 1981.

Full recording side1 and side 2. Indexed recordings are in the table below.

page תפילה 
47-49 Arvit till שמע
53-55 Arvit from שמע till קדיש
55 Arvit תקעו, קדיש
323 Pesukim before שופר
325 Berachot before שופר
325 Blowing of the שופר
325-327 אשרי
335 Musaf: קדיש
361-363 Musaf: אבות
363-367 Musaf: גבורות
367-371 Musaf: קדושות
371-373 Musaf: קדושות continued (2nd side of tape)
377-379 Musaf: ונתנה תוקף
379-383 Musaf: קדושה
383-389 Musaf: לדור ודור
389-391 Musaf: ובכן
395 Musaf: מלבד עלת החדש



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